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@article{Ofeimun_Odoh_Eze_Benjamin_Ayinde_2023, title={COMPARATIVE EFFECTS OF FRESH AND FERMENTED FRUIT JUICE OF Morinda citrifolia (RUBIACEAE) ON REPRODUCTIVE PARAMETERS IN ADULT MALE RATS}, volume={4}, url={https://ajhse.org/index.php/ajhse/article/view/364}, DOI={10.52417/ajhse.v4i2.364}, abstractNote={<p>Fresh and fermented fruit juices of <em>Morinda citrifolia</em> are used in ethnomedicine to improve male fertility. The comparative effects of the fresh and fermented fruit juice of <em>M. citrifolia</em> on semen parameters and hormonal profile in adult male rats were evaluated in this study. Thirty-five matured male rats (185-220 g) were divided into seven groups of five animals each. Group 1 served as the normal control. Groups 2 - 7 were further subdivided into two sub-groups 2-4 and 5-7. Animals in groups 2 - 4 were treated orally with 2.5, 5 and 10 ml/kg of the fresh juice of <em>M. citrifolia</em> respectively while animals in groups 5- 7 received 2.5, 5 and 10 ml/kg of the fermented fruit juice respectively for 60 days. Normal control animals (group 1) received 10 ml/kg of distilled water. Serum samples obtained from animals were used to assess for levels of testosterone, progesterone, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Sperm count, morphology and motility were equally analysed. Histological evaluation of the testis was also carried out. The Fresh juice significantly (p&lt;0.05) increased serum levels of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone, while the fermented juice produced a significant increase in serum level of testosterone only. The serum levels of luteinizing hormone and progesterone were unaffected by both juices. The sampled juices produced varied effects on other measured parameters. The ability to enhance the production of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone production was exhibited by both juices. However, the fresh juice showed a higher possibility of increasing hormone production.</p&gt;}, number={2}, journal={African Journal of Health, Safety and Environment}, author={Ofeimun, J.O. and Odoh, J.O. and Eze, G.I. and Benjamin, G. and Ayinde, B.A.}, year={2023}, month={Sep.}, pages={01-10} }
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